2015 Legislative Report
Libertas Institute is primarily an educational institution, spreading the message of liberty through articles, lectures, media, and other outlets. Part of our work also entails proposing reforms that would make the laws more...
SB296: Anti-Discrimination and Religious Liberty, Violating Property Rights
This bill passed the Senate 23-5 and passed the House 65-10. It was subsequently signed into law by Governor Herbert. Libertas Institute opposes this bill. Following negotiations between legislators, LDS Church leaders, and LGBT...
SB259: Legalizing Medical Cannabis in Utah
This bill failed in the Senate on a 14-15 vote. Libertas Institute supports this bill. In 1915, 100 years ago, the Utah legislature banned a wide range of drugs, including cannabis. At the same time, the law specifically...
HB386: Creating Statewide Guidelines for Police Body Cameras
This bill was not considered by the legislature. Libertas Institute supports this bill. Libertas Institute spent hundreds of man hours over the past year working on a comprehensive proposal for the use of body cameras in Utah....
HB356: Protecting Innocent Parents from DCFS Taking their Children
This bill passed the House 71-1 and passed the Senate unanimously. It was subsequently signed into law by Governor Herbert. Libertas Institute supports this bill. See below for an update. Utah law allows the Division of Child and...
SB226: Requiring a Warrant for Police to See Through Our Walls
This bill passed both chambers of the legislature unanimously and was signed into law by Governor Herbert. Libertas Institute supports this bill. A 2001 U.S. Supreme Court case, Kylio v. U.S., addressed the use of thermal imaging...