The Hope for Liberty Lies with the States
After being declared the winner last night in the race for his first full term as governor, Gary Herbert said that, “The best hope for America as we go forward is the states. And led by Republican governors, this country will survive, we’ll have a bright future and Utah will be the one to help lead by example.”
Whatever political party to which the several governors belong, we strongly agree that the best hope in upholding the Constitution and downsizing D.C. lies with the state legislatures, interposing themselves between Washington and their citizens.
Across the nation yesterday, Americans largely voted for the status quo. After all was said and done, Barack Obama was re-elected as president, the Republicans maintained control of the House, and the Democrats will continue to have the majority in the Senate. What hope do we have for any change in Washington?
The answer to the unconstitutional overreaches of the federal government is nullification. If you’re not familiar with this method of upholding the Constitution, please read a couple of our other articles on the subject here and here. Nullification has been used successfully throughout American’s history to stand up to a federal government exceeding its constitutional bounds.
One silver lining from the yesterday’s election results is that six states passed measures to nullify unconstitutional federal laws. Nullification has worked and will work if we use it. The question is, will Utah, as Governor Herbert said, “be the one to help lead by example”?