Licensure Reforms Helps Thousands of Workers

Half a century ago, only 1 in 20 Americans had to obtain a government permission slip (a license) to legally practice their chosen occupations. Today, that number stands at 1 in 3. This dramatic expansion of occupational licensure has created a bureaucratic maze through which entrepreneurs and employees must traverse to provide for their families. […]

Automatic Expungement to Help Thousands of Former Offenders

Life after a criminal conviction can be extremely difficult—even if the crime was relatively minor. With a glaring mark on their record, individuals with a criminal background will have a harder time securing a job, finding housing, and qualifying for loans for school or a car, for example. When a person has completed their sentence […]

First-Ever Mobile Business Freedom Law Knocks Down Local Regluations

How would you like to get a haircut, a new cell phone, and delicious tacos at the same event? With the passage of our model legislation, that scenario now has the freedom to become a reality. The Libertas Utah team innovated a policy reform that was sorely needed for small business owners with mobile businesses, […]

Nation-Leading Privacy Law Sets Standard for Combating Surveillance

“More states should be like Utah — a phrase that’s probably never been uttered before.” So said TechDirt, a technology publication, discussing the nation-leading privacy law our Libertas Utah team got passed. Consider this: your digital data is protected from warrantless access when it’s on your computer or mobile device. But when you upload it […]

Groundbreaking Regulatory Sandbox Law Scaling Across the Country

In 2017, Alex Carter created a business called Otmo, which sought to provide vehicle owners with a more equitable form of extended warranties by using a cooperative method like some health care sharing services do. Alex went to the regulators originally trying to figure out how his business should operate. But they did not know […]

Six Million Tuttle Twins Books Distributed Nationwide

What began in 2014 as a fun side project has blossomed into a major strategic initiative for The Libertas Network. The Tuttle Twins books have now sold over six million copies, helping children of all ages—and their parents—learn about the ideas of freedom. We have over three dozen books available, from toddler books to two […]

40,000 Youth Entrepreneurs Served Across the Country

Our Children’s Entrepreneur Market program is spreading throughout hundreds of cities and we’ve reached an exciting milestone: serving over 40,000 youth entrepreneurs! These markets are inspiring, educational, and extremely rewarding for youth participants. They also serve as a strategic opportunity for us to expand our network and invite new families into our movement. We aim […]

Education Entrepreneurs Protected from Regulation

Education entrepreneurs around the country face regulatory barriers from local governments, impeding their creation and growth. In one case, a microschool founder in St. George, Utah, spent over $100,000 in legal fees and attorney costs trying to battle the city to let him operate. Because microschools are a new concept, city and county bureaucrats typically […]