Are Police Dogs the Right Move for Utah Schools?
Introducing something like gun-sniffing dogs into schools may seem like a nice solution. But there are other things that a school can do that don’t involve violating a student’s right to privacy.
Let’s Rethink Chicken Ownership in Cities
From a liberty standpoint, owning chickens is not much different from owning cats or dogs. Animal ownership comes with responsibilities such as feeding, sheltering and maintaining sanitary conditions.
Geofence Warrants: The Modern-Day General Warrant
In an era where digital surveillance is becoming increasingly pervasive, the Fifth Circuit’s decision is a crucial step in the right direction.
Why Regulating AI is a Losing Battle
In the end, the battle over AI isn’t just about who has the best chips; it’s about who has the best minds, the most advanced algorithms and the strongest strategies for protecting them.
The Silent Erosion of Privacy: Why We Should Care About Financial Surveillance
Pervasive financial surveillance often goes unnoticed by the public, which seems largely indifferent to the potential privacy violations it entails. Americans' acceptance of financial data collection poses serious ethical and...
Why it’s Time to End the Department of Education
We don’t need federal bureaucrats telling us what to do, especially when it comes to our children’s education. Instead, we need to push for local control.